Configuration Settings

Socialize can be easily configured via a configuration file placed in the assets path of your project called


Required Configuration

The following configuration options MUST be present in your file

Property Type Default Example Description
socialize.consumer.key String None 12a05e3e-e522-4c81-b4bb-89d3be94d122 Your Socialize consumer key
socialize.consumer.secret String None 9c313d12-f34c-4172-9909-180384c724fd Your Socialize consumer secret

SmartAlerts Configuration

The following configurations are required for SmartAlerts.

Property Type Default Example Description
socialize.entity.loader String None com.mypackage.MyEntityLoader Fully qualified class name of your entity loader implementation Number None 1234567890 Optional. Use if ONLY you have your own GCM sender ID
socialize.comments.on.notify Boolean false   Users are directed to the comment list for comment notifications
socialize.notification.enabled Boolean true   Enable/Disable SmartAlerts across the entire app

Customizing Authentication Behavior

By default Socialize requires your end users to sign in to either Twitter or Facebook in order to perform a social action such as a like or a comment This is because the value of a social action is dramatically increased if that action is propagated out to a 3rd party network.

However in some cases this may not be appropriate and in these cases you can control how Socialize handles the authentication process via configuration.

It is not necessary to change/set any of these as Socialize automatically selects reasonable defaults.

Prompting Users to Authenticate

Disabling the requirement for authentication will mean that the user is not prompted to link to Twitter or Facebook when they perform a like or a comment.


The default setting is to prompt users to authenticate:


Allowing Users to Skip Authentication


If you want to prompt users to authenticate but do not want to require that they authenticate you can do this with the following configuration:


Forcing Authentication on Comments

Many developers prefer to enforce authentication on comments to minimize spammy or offensive content appearing in their app, but still want to retain the ability for anonymous likes. This can be achieved with the following configuration:


Allowing Users to Save their Preference


Enabling this configuration will give the user the option of saving their decision to not authenticate. This will mean they are not prompted again:


Customizing Sharing Behavior

By default Socialize will prompt a user to share their action (comment or like) on a 3rd party network (e.g. Twitter or Facebook).

This behavior can be disabled with the following setting:


Customizing The Comment List

The Comment List view by default will display a header banner.

This can be disabled with the following setting:

Facebook Configuration

Property Type Default Example Description
 Integer None 1234567890 Your facebook app ID
facebook.sso.enabled Boolean true   Enable/Disable Single Sign on for Facebook Boolean false   Enable/Disable Open Graph Likes

Twitter Configuration

Property Type Default Example Description
twitter.consumer.key String None U18LUnVjULkkpGoJ6 Your Twitter consumer key
twitter.consumer.secret String None RiIljnFq4RWV9LEaCM1ZLsAHf053vX2K Your Twitter consumer secret

Google+ Configuration

Property Type Default Example Description
googleplus.enabled Boolean true   Enable/Disable Google+ in Share Dialog

Amazon Configuration

Property Type Default Example Description
 String android Only ‘amazon’ currently supported Provides for creation of non Android Market urls.

Testing Configuration Options

Most configuration options that affect how the UI is presented to the user can be tested in the Socialize Demo App which is provided as an Android project in your SDK download. This is located in the sample folder of the SDK.


System Configuration Settings

Property Type Default Example Description
http.connection.timeout Long 10000 10000 Time in ms for an http connection to be established
http.socket.timeout Long 10000 10000 Time in ms for an http request to return
log.level String WARN DEBUG or INFO or WARN or ERROR Application log level