Socialize Core SDK Guide

Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar


The Socialize SDK provides a simple set of classes and methods built upon the Socialize REST API

App developers can elect to use either the pre-defined user interface controls provided in the Socialize UI framework, or “roll their own” using direct SDK calls.

ALL calls to the Socialize SDK are asynchronous, meaning that your application will not “block” while waiting for a response from the Socialize server.

You are notified of the outcome of calls to the Socialize service via a SocializeListener passed into each call to the Socialize SDK.

Initializing Socialize (Optional)

Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar


Socialize will automatically initialize itself upon first use, however if you want more direct control over initialization you can initialize Socialize manually.

The Socialize SDK should be initialized in the onCreate() method of your Activity. You should also include the onPause and onResume methods.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
	// Initialize socialize
	// Your code here

protected void onPause() {

protected void onResume() {

If you want to know about initialization success (e.g. if you want to access Socialize after init), you can also specify a listener

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
	// Initialize socialize
	Socialize.initAsync(this, new SocializeInitListener() {
		public void onError(SocializeException error) {
			// Handle error
		public void onInit(Context context, IOCContainer container) {
			// If you want to access Socialize directly, do it here

protected void onPause() {

protected void onResume() {


Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar

An entity is a single item of content in your app

Throughout the documentation and the code snippets we refer to an “entity”. This is simply a generic term for something that can be view, shared, liked or commented on. Generally this will correspond to a single item of content in your app.

Entities in Socialize MUST be associated with a unique key. It is recommended that where possible an HTTP URL be used (i.e. one that corresponds to an active web page).

Using Entities

When posting a comment, share or like using Socialize an entity object must be provided. This can either be an entity you created previously, or a new entity which will be created inline with the call to Socialize.


You should always specify a name when creating an entity, however if you have previously created the entity with a name and do not want to specify the name every time you can provide a “null” argument for the name. This will instruct Socialize to ignore the name attribute and the name of the entity will NOT be updated.

Creating an Entity Inline

A typical use of an entity might be when posting a comment. Here the entity name is specified.

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("key", "name");

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.addComment(this, entity, "The comment", new CommentAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Comment result) {
		// Handle success

Alternatively a null argument can be specified for the name which will instruct the server to leave the existing name intact.

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("key", null);

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.addComment(this, entity, "The comment", new CommentAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Comment result) {
		// Handle success

Creating an Entity Explicitly

An entity consists of a key and a name. The name should be descriptive and help you identify the entity when viewing reports on the Socialize dash board.

Creating an entity explicitly in this manner is optional but recommended. If you simply post a comment,view,share or like against a key that does not currently exist, it will be automatically created for you.

To create an entity, simply call the saveEntity method:

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("key", "name");

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
EntityUtils.saveEntity(this, entity, new EntityAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Entity result) {
		// Handle success

Retrieving Entity Data

An existing entity can be retrieved via the getEntity method. Entities obtained in this way will also provide aggregate data on comments, likes, shares and views. Refer to the Entity Stats (Global) section for more detail on these aggregate values.

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity	
EntityUtils.getEntity(this, "key", new EntityGetListener() {
	public void onGet(Entity result) {
		// Handle success
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No entity found
		else {
			// Handle error

You can also retrieve several entities in one call:

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
EntityUtils.getEntities(this, new EntityListListener() {

	public void onList(ListResult<Entity> result) {
		int count = result.getTotalCount();
		List<Entity> items = result.getItems();
		// Handle success
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
}, "key0", "key1");

Entity Stats (Global)

Each entity object retrieved from the server contains aggregate statistics about the number of comments,likes,views and shares:

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity	
EntityUtils.getEntity(this, "key", new EntityGetListener() {
	public void onGet(Entity result) {
		// Get the stats
		EntityStats entityStats = result.getEntityStats();
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No entity found
		else {
			// Handle error

Entity Stats (User)

You can also retrieve information about the current user’s actions on the entity:

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity	
EntityUtils.getEntity(this, "key", new EntityGetListener() {
	public void onGet(Entity result) {
		// Get the stats
		UserEntityStats userEntityStats = result.getUserEntityStats();
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No entity found
		else {
			// Handle error

Entity Meta Data

Entities stored in Socialize can optionally include meta data. This is for any additional information you want to store about the entity.

Meta data is stored with the entity and returned then the entity is requested.

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("key", "name");
entity.setMetaData("meta data");

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
EntityUtils.saveEntity(this, entity, new EntityAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Entity result) {
		// Entity was created

// Later, when you retrieve the entity...
EntityUtils.getEntity(this, "key", new EntityGetListener() {
	public void onGet(Entity result) {
		// Get the meta data
		String metaData = result.getMetaData();
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No entity found
		else {
			// Handle error

If you want a more complex data structure, we recommend using JSON as an object notation

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("key", "name");

// Store a custom dictionary as a JSON object
JSONObject metaData = new JSONObject();
metaData.put("some_key", "some_value");


// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
EntityUtils.saveEntity(this, entity, new EntityAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Entity result) {
		// Entity was created

// Later, when you retrieve the entity...
EntityUtils.getEntity(this, "key", new EntityGetListener() {
	public void onGet(Entity result) {
		// Get the meta data
		String metaData = result.getMetaData();
		try {
			JSONObject json = new JSONObject(metaData);
			String myValue = json.getString("some_key");
		catch (JSONException e) {
			// Handle error
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No entity found
		else {
			// Handle error

Entity Activity

All actions performed on an entity (comment,share,like) can be retrieved using ActionUtils

// Get the last 10 actions performed in the app for the entity with the key "key"
ActionUtils.getActionsByEntity(this, "key", 0, 10, new ActionListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<SocializeAction> actions) {
		// Handle result
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

Users & User Activity

Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar

Every device running Socialize has a “User”, however Socialize automatically manages this User for you so there is no need to explicitly create one.

A User has both Settings and Activity. The Settings correspond to the User’s preferences while using Socialize whereas the Activity relates to their social actions.

Getting a User

To obtain a reference to the current user simply call the getCurrentUser method

User currentUser = UserUtils.getCurrentUser(this);

To obtain a User object for a user other than the current user

long id = 123L;
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
UserUtils.getUser(this, id, new UserGetListener() {
	public void onGet(User result) {
		// Found the user
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No such user
		else {
			// Handle error

User Settings

To allow a user to update their settings you can simply present them with the User Settings view:

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity

If you want to build your own UI to update a User’s settings you can simply call the saveUserSettings method

	// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
	try {
		UserSettings userSettings = UserUtils.getUserSettings(this);
		UserUtils.saveUserSettings(this, userSettings, new UserSaveListener() {

			public void onUpdate(User result) {
				// User was updated

			public void onError(SocializeException error) {
				// Handle error
	catch (SocializeException e) {
		// Handle error


The default comment list activity will launch the default user settings view from a menu option

To globally override the activity that is displayed when a call to showUserSettings is made you can set a user settings activity class on the global Socialize instance:

// Replace ProfileActivity with your own activity class

This call should be made in the onCreate method of your main activity.

User Activity

You can display a profile view for any user which includes their recent activity

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
User user = UserUtils.getCurrentUser(this);

UserUtils.showUserProfile(this, user);

Or retrieve the raw list of actions performed by a user using ActionUtils

User user = UserUtils.getCurrentUser(this);

// Get the most recent 10 actions by this user
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ActionUtils.getActionsByUser(this, user.getId(), 0, 10, new ActionListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<SocializeAction> result) {
		// Found a result
		int totalCount = result.getTotalCount();
		List<SocializeAction> items = result.getItems();
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

Or get the list of actions by a user on a single entity

// Get the last 10 actions performed in the app for the entity with the key "key" by the current user
User user = UserUtils.getCurrentUser(this);
ActionUtils.getActionsByUserAndEntity(this, user.getId(), "key", 0, 10, new ActionListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<SocializeAction> actions) {
		// Handle result
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

Application Activity

Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar

Using the ActionUtils class you can also retrieve application-wide activity

// Get the last 10 actions performed in the app
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ActionUtils.getActionsByApplication(this, 0, 10, new ActionListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<SocializeAction> actions) {
		// Handle result
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error


Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar

Socialize provides a complete set of helper functions to make sharing content in your app as easy as possible.

Default Share Dialog

The simplest way to allow users to share an entity (your content) is via the share dialog

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.showShareDialog(this, entity);

Custom Share Dialog

If you just want to allow sharing to Social Networks

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");	

// Setup the options for display
int options = ShareUtils.FACEBOOK | ShareUtils.TWITTER | ShareUtils.GOOGLE_PLUS;

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.showShareDialog(this, entity, new SocialNetworkDialogListener() {

	public void onCancel(Dialog dialog) {
		// User cancelled

	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

	public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
		// Failed to post to given network
}, options);

Adding Text to a Share

If you want to allow the user to add a comment when sharing but you still want to use the default UI controls you can implement a Flow Interrupt to extract text from the user before the share

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");	

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.showShareDialog(this, entity, new SocialNetworkDialogListener() {
	public void onShow(Dialog dialog, SharePanelView dialogView) {
		// The dialog was shown.
	public void onCancel(Dialog dialog) {
		// User cancelled.
	public void onSimpleShare(ShareType type) {
		// User performed a simple share operation (e.g. Email or SMS)
	public void onFlowInterrupted(DialogFlowController controller) {
		// This will only be called if onContinue returns true
		// Obtain share text (e.g. from the user via a dialog)
		String text = "Add another message here";
		// Call continue when you want flow to resume
	public boolean onContinue(Dialog dialog, boolean remember, SocialNetwork... networks) {
		// Return true if you want to interrupt the flow
		return true;

Customizing the Content of Facebook & Twiter Posts

In some situations you may want to override the default behavior of posting to Facebook or Twitter. In these cases you can implement the onBeforePost method of the listener you pass to the ShareUtils call

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");	

// Setup the options for display
int options = ShareUtils.SOCIAL; // This is just a shortcut for Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.showShareDialog(this, entity, new SocialNetworkDialogListener() {

	public void onCancel(Dialog dialog) {
		// User cancelled

	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

	public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
		// Failed to post to given network

	public boolean onBeforePost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, PostData postData) {
		// Change data for facebook post
		if(socialNetwork != null && socialNetwork.equals(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK)) {
			postData.getPostValues().put("foo", "bar");
		return false;
}, options);

Customizing the Content of Email & SMS Posts

You can also override the default text for email and sms shares

Activity context = this;

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// Setup the options for display.  This can be anything but for this example we will limit to email/sms
int options = ShareUtils.EMAIL | ShareUtils.SMS;

// Display the share dialog with these options
ShareUtils.showShareDialog(context, entity, new SocialNetworkDialogListener() {

	public boolean onBeforePost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, PostData postData) {
		// For email/SMS the socialNetwork will be null but we can change postData
		// Possible values are EXTRA_TEXT, EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TITLE
		postData.getPostValues().put(ShareUtils.EXTRA_TEXT, "This is custom text set in the listener! " + postData.getPropagationInfo().getEntityUrl());

		// Return false to indicate we want to continue with the share (i.e. NOT cancel)
		return false;

}, options);

Retrieving Shares

You can retrieve existing share events by User, Entity, Application or directly using an ID

List shares by User

User user = UserUtils.getCurrentUser(this);

// Get first 10 shares by user
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.getSharesByUser(this, user, 0, 10, new ShareListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<Share> result) {
		// Found shares
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

List shares by Entity

String entityKey = "";

// Get first 10 shares
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.getSharesByEntity(this, entityKey, 0, 10, new ShareListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<Share> result) {
		// Found shares
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

List shares by ID

long shareId = 123L; 

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.getShare(this, new ShareGetListener() {
	public void onGet(Share result) {
		// Share found
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No share with ID found
		else {
			// Some other error
}, shareId);

List shares by Application

// Get first 10 shares
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.getSharesByApplication(this, 0, 10, new ShareListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<Share> result) {
		// Found shares
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error


Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar

Displaying the Comment List UI

The standard Socialize Comment List UI is included with the Socialize Action Bar however if you wanted to create your own ActionBar or simply want to launch the Comment List from elsewhere in your app this can simply be done with a few lines of code

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// Show the comment list view
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.showCommentView(this, entity);

You can also display the UI with a listener to handle events

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.showCommentView(this, entity, new OnCommentViewActionListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onRender(CommentListView view) {
		// Called when the list view is rendered
	public void onReload(CommentListView view) {
		// Called when a reload event is posted to the list view.
	public void onPostComment(Comment comment) {
		// Called after a comment is posted.
	public void onCreate(CommentListView view) {
		// Called when the list view component was created (but may not be shown)
	public void onCommentList(CommentListView view, List<Comment> comments, int start, int end) {
		// Called when a list of comments is retrieved.

	public void onBeforeSetComment(Comment comment, CommentListItem item) {
		// Called before a single comment is set on the comment list item view

	public void onAfterSetComment(Comment comment, CommentListItem item) {
		// Called after a single comment is set on the comment list item view

	public boolean onRefreshMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
		// Called when the user clicks the refresh option from the menu
		// Return true to override default behavior
		return false;

	public boolean onSettingsMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
		// Called when the user clicks the settings option from the menu
		// Return true to override default behavior
		return false;

	public boolean onCommentItemClicked(CommentListItem item) {
		// Called when the user clicks the text portion of an entry in the comment list
		// Return true to override default behavior
		return false;

	public boolean onCommentIconClicked(CommentListItem item) {
		// Called when the user clicks the icon portion of an entry in the comment list
		// Return true to override default behavior
		return false;

Adding Comments

To create a comment programmatically you simply call the addComment method on CommentUtils

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.addComment(this, entity, "This the comment", new CommentAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Comment result) {
		// Comment was created

You can also manually specify how the comment is to be propagated to 3rd party networks such as Facebook and Twitter

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// Get the default options for the user.
CommentOptions commentOptions = CommentUtils.getUserCommentOptions(this);

// Automatically subscribe this user to new comments on this entity (requires SmartAlerts)

// Pass the share options in the call to create the comment.
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.addComment(this, entity, "This the comment", commentOptions, new CommentAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Comment result) {
		// Comment was created

	public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
		// Failed to share to the given network

	public boolean onBeforePost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, PostData postData) {
		// Called before the post to the given network is made
		// Return true to prevent the post from occurring
		return false;

	public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
		// Called after the post to the given network is made

	public void onCancel() {
		// Called if the user canceled the auth process for social networks
}, SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK, SocialNetwork.TWITTER); // Share to multiple networks simultaneously

Adding Comments Without Sharing

If you want to explicitly disable sharing of comments you can do this using the CommentOptions

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// Get the default options for the user.
CommentOptions commentOptions = CommentUtils.getUserCommentOptions(this);

// Do NOT promt the user to share

// Pass the share options in the call to create the comment.
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.addComment(this, entity, "This the comment", commentOptions, new CommentAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Comment result) {
		// Comment was created


Retrieving Comments

You can retrieve existing comments by User, Entity, Application or directly using an ID

List comments by User

User user = UserUtils.getCurrentUser(this);

// Get first 10 comments by user
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.getCommentsByUser(this, user, 0, 10, new CommentListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<Comment> result) {
		// Found comments
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

List comments by Entity

String entityKey = "";

// Get first 10 comments
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.getCommentsByEntity(this, entityKey, 0, 10, new CommentListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<Comment> result) {
		// Found comments
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

List comments by ID

long commentId0 = 123;
long commentId1 = 456;

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.getComments(this, new CommentListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<Comment> result) {
		// Found comments
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		if(isNotFoundError(error)) {
			// No comment with ID found
		else {
			// Some other error
}, commentId0, commentId1);

List comments by Application

// Get first 10 comments
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
CommentUtils.getCommentsByApplication(this, 0, 10, new CommentListListener() {
	public void onList(ListResult<Comment> result) {
		// Found comments
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error


Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar


To create a like programmatically you simply call the like method on LikeUtils

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity, entity, new LikeAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Like result) {
		// Like was created

You can also manually specify how the like is to be propagated to 3rd party networks such as Facebook and Twitter

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

// Get the default options for the user.
LikeOptions likeOptions = LikeUtils.getUserLikeOptions(this);

// Pass the share options in the call to create the like.
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity, entity, likeOptions, new LikeAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(Like result) {
		// Like was created

	public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
		// Failed to share to the given network

	public boolean onBeforePost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, PostData postData) {
		// Called before the post to the given network is made
		// Return true to prevent the post from occurring
		return false;

	public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
		// Called after the post to the given network is made

	public void onCancel() {
		// Called if the user canceled the auth process for social networks
}, SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK, SocialNetwork.TWITTER); // Share to multiple networks simultaneously


You can also remove a previous like from an entity

// Just use the entity key of the entity that was liked
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
LikeUtils.unlike(this, "", new LikeDeleteListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onDelete() {
		// Like was deleted

Retrieving Likes

You can retrieve existing likes by User, Entity or Application wide

List likes by User

User user = UserUtils.getCurrentUser(this);

// Get first 10 likes by user
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
LikeUtils.getLikesByUser(this, user, 0, 10, new LikeListListener() {
	public void onList(List<Like> likes, int totalCount) {
		// Found likes
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

List likes by Entity

String entityKey = "";

// Get first 10 likes
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
LikeUtils.getLikesByEntity(this, entityKey, 0, 10, new LikeListListener() {
	public void onList(List<Like> likes, int totalCount) {
		// Found likes
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error

List likes by Application

// Get first 10 likes
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
LikeUtils.getLikesByApplication(this, 0, 10, new LikeListListener() {
	public void onList(List<Like> likes, int totalCount) {
		// Found likes
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error


Advanced Use
The following section is not required if you are simply using the Action Bar

A “view” represents the action of a user viewing an entity and is an extremely useful analytics tool

Recording Views

Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");

//The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ViewUtils.view(this, entity, new ViewAddListener() {
	public void onError(SocializeException error) {
		// Handle error
	public void onCreate(View result) {
		// View was created