Advanced Twitter¶
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Advanced Use
Linking Users with Twitter¶
If you are not using the ActionBar or want to manually link a user to their Twitter account you can do so with the link method
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity, new SocializeAuthListener() {
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the operation.
public void onAuthSuccess(SocializeSession session) {
// User was authed.
public void onAuthFail(SocializeException error) {
// Handle error
public void onError(SocializeException error) {
// Handle error
If you already have Twitter integration in your app and do not wish to replace this with the Socialize implementation you can still link the user to Twitter within Socialize by providing the user’s Twitter auth token and secret
// The user's Twitter auth token
String twToken = "ABCDEF...GHIJKL";
//The user's Twitter auth token secret
String twSecret = "ABCDEF...GHIJKL";, twToken, twSecret, new SocializeAuthListener() {
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the operation.
public void onAuthSuccess(SocializeSession session) {
// User was authed.
public void onAuthFail(SocializeException error) {
// Handle error
public void onError(SocializeException error) {
// Handle error
Unlinking Users from Twitter¶
To unlink a user from their Twitter account simple call unlink. This call executes synchronously.
// Disconnect the user from their Twitter account
Posting to Twitter¶
By default all actions created using the SDK will provide the end user with the opportunity to share their action with Twitter (if Twitter has been configured) however it is also possible to manually post content to a user’s Twitter feed.
Posting Socialize Entities to Twitter¶
The simplest and most effective use of Twitter within Socialize is to post entities. This approach takes full advantage of Socialize SmartDownloads which helps maximize the effectiveness of your social strategy.
To post an entity to a user’s Twitter feed simply call the tweetEntity method.
Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");
TwitterUtils.tweetEntity(this, entity, "Text to be posted", new SocialNetworkShareListener() {
public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
// Handle error
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the operation.
public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
// Called after the post returned from Twitter.
// responseObject contains the raw JSON response from Twitter.
public boolean onBeforePost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, PostData postData) {
// Called just prior to the post.
// postData contains the dictionary (map) of data to be posted.
// You can change this here to customize the post.
// Return true to prevent the post from occurring.
return false;
Posting Directly to Twitter¶
If you want complete control over what is posted to Twitter, Socialize provides a simple interface to the Twitter REST API.
Refer to the Twitter REST API documentation for more specific implementation information
Sending a Tweet
// Create a Tweet object
Tweet tweet = new Tweet();
tweet.setText("Test Message");
// Execute a POST on twitter
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
TwitterUtils.tweet(this, tweet, new SocialNetworkListener() {
public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
// Handle error
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the operation.
public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
// Called after the post returned from Twitter.
// responseObject contains the raw JSON response from Twitter.
public boolean onBeforePost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, PostData postData) {
// Called before the post to the given network is made
// Return true to prevent the post from occurring
return false;
Executing a POST
// The API path to be called
String graphPath = "statuses/update.json";
// The data to be posted. This is based on the API endpoint
// See
Map<String, Object> postData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
postData.put("status", "A message to post");
// Execute a POST on twitter
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity, graphPath, postData, new SocialNetworkPostListener() {
public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
// Handle error
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the operation.
public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
// Called after the post returned from Twitter.
// responseObject contains the raw JSON response from Twitter.
If you want to take full advantage of Socialize SmartDownloads and post the auto-generated SmartDownload urls for your entity or app you can do this by creating a simple share object without propagation first.
// Create a simple share object to get the propagation data
final Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");
ShareOptions options = ShareUtils.getUserShareOptions(this);
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
ShareUtils.registerShare(this, entity, options, new ShareAddListener() {
public void onError(SocializeException error) {
// Handle error
public void onCreate(Share share) {
// Get the propagation info from the result
PropagationInfoResponse propagationInfoResponse = share.getPropagationInfoResponse();
PropagationInfo propagationInfo = propagationInfoResponse.getPropagationInfo(SocialNetwork.TWITTER);
// Tweet the link
Tweet tweet = new Tweet();
tweet.setText("A message to post " + propagationInfo.getEntityUrl()); // Use the SmartDownload URL
// Execute a POST on twitter
TwitterUtils.tweet(context, tweet, new SocialNetworkListener() {
public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
// Handle error
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the operation.
public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
// Called after the post returned from Twitter.
// responseObject contains the raw JSON response from Twitter.
public boolean onBeforePost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, PostData postData) {
// Called before the post to the given network is made
// Return true to prevent the post from occurring
return false;
}, SocialNetwork.TWITTER);
Executing a GET
// The graph API path to be called
String graphPath = "followers/ids.json";
// Execute a GET on twitter
// The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
TwitterUtils.get(this, graphPath, null, new SocialNetworkPostListener() {
public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
// Handle error
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the operation.
public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
// Called after the post returned from Twitter.
// responseObject contains the raw JSON response from Twitter.
Posting Photos to Twitter¶
You can easily post photo’s to a user’s Twitter Photos using the tweetPhoto method on TwitterUtils
//The "this" argument refers to the current Activity
final Activity context = this;
final Entity entity = Entity.newInstance("", "My Name");
// First create a Socialize share object so we get the correct URLs
ShareOptions options = ShareUtils.getUserShareOptions(context);
ShareUtils.registerShare(context, entity, options, new ShareAddListener() {
public void onError(SocializeException error) {
// Handle error
public void onCreate(Share result) {
// We have the result, use the URLs to add to the post
PropagationInfo propagationInfo = result.getPropagationInfoResponse().getPropagationInfo(ShareType.TWITTER);
String link = propagationInfo.getEntityUrl();
// TODO: Get the URI of your image from the local device.
// TODO: ***** DON'T FORGET TO USE YOUR OWN IMAGE HERE (See the sample app for a working example) ****
Uri photoUri = null;
// Format the picture for Twitter
try {
byte[] imageData = TwitterUtils.getImageForPost(context, photoUri);
// Create a photo tweet
PhotoTweet tweet = new PhotoTweet();
// Add the photo to the post
// Add the link returned from Socialize to use SmartDownloads
tweet.setText("A test photo of something " + link);
// Post to twitter
TwitterUtils.tweetPhoto(context, tweet, new SocialNetworkPostListener() {
public void onNetworkError(Activity context, SocialNetwork network, Exception error) {
// Handle error
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the auth process
public void onAfterPost(Activity parent, SocialNetwork socialNetwork, JSONObject responseObject) {
// The post was successful
catch (IOException e) {
// Handle error
}, SocialNetwork.TWITTER);